Contents of Materials Performance - MAR 2012

Materials Performance is the world's most widely circulated magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control. MP provides information about the latest corrosion control technologies and practical applications for every industry and environment.

Page 49 of 84

CL BLOG Continued from page 45
Dry film thickness and heat transfer
paint system for a radiator because of DFT impact on the heat transfer performance of the radiator?
Transformer Radiators," at www.nace. org. It won't tell you the DFT you should use (that should come from the manufac- turer for the coating you select), but it will provide guidance on the topic. It will also give you guidelines on coating selection.
Definition of 'gel time'
I would like to know what "gel time" is.
In general, gel time is the period of time from initial mixing of liquid reactants to the point when OMTI\QV WKK]Z[ I[ LMÅVML Ja I
[XMKQÅK \M[\ UM\PWL Join the NACE Corrosion and Coatings List Servers!
More than 3,000 corrosion professionals from all over the world participate on the NACE Corrosion Network and NACE Coatings Network. You can post your question and receive expert advice in a matter of minutes. To join either or both of these free list servers, go to the
NACE Web site:, click on the "Resources" link, and then "Online Community."
The networks look forward to your participation! NACE International, Vol. 51, No. 3 March 2012 MATERIALS PERFORMANCE 47
Refer to NACE International RP0297, "Maintenance Painting of Electrical Substation Appara- tus Including Flow Coating of
Do any NACE stan- dards specify the limi- \I\QWV WN \PM LZa ÅTU thickness (DFT) of a