Materials Performance

NOV 2012

Materials Performance is the world's most widely circulated magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control. MP provides information about the latest corrosion control technologies and practical applications for every industry and environment.

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CORROSION ENGINEERING DIRECTORY ,62 &HUWL;¿HG $OXPLQXP 0DJQHVLXP =LQF 5HWUR¿W 3ODWIRUP %UDFHOHW +XOO 7DQN Onshore/Offshore 48$/,7< 3(5)250$1&( 5(/,$%,/,7< 6DOHV 2IÀFH 181 Grefer Lane Harvey, LA 70058 Tel.: (504) 362-7776 )D[ ANODES Headquarters- 6712 S. 36th Street Mc Allen, Texas 78503 Tel.: (956) 630-3500 )D[ (PDLO DQRGHV#JDOYRWHF FRP ZZZ JDOYRWHF FRP Pin Brazing Easybond equipment & consumables available in the USA through sole importers Galvotec Corrosion Services and GMC Electrical Contact Dave Johnson on (504) 362 7373 or Gary Matlack on (909) 947 6016 &DWKRGLF; 5HFWL¿HUV DQG 5HODWHG (TXLSPHQW IRU &RUURVLRQ; &RQWURO; &DWKRGLF; 0DWHULDOV DQG 5HODWHG 6XSSOLHV IRU &RUURVLRQ; &RQWURO; *DOYRWHF &RUURVLRQ; 6HUYLFHV //& &DWKRGLF; 3URWHFWLRQ IRU 2IIVKRUH 3ODWIRUPV 3LSHOLQHV 'RFNV 3HWURFKHPLFDO 3ODQWV 7DQNV 9HVVHOV 3LQ %UD]LQJ /RFNKHHG 0DULQH 97$ᅣV 300 Bark Dr. +DUYH\ /$ (&'$ 6XUYH\V (QJLQHHULQJ ,QVSHFWLRQ ,QVWDOODWLRQ 0DWHULDOV Ph: 504-362-7373 ); (PDLO VHUYLFH#JDOYRWHF FRP JA ELECTRONICS 0DQXIDFWXULQJ &R; 10022 Mula Road 6WDIIRUG 7; ZZZ MDHOHFWURQLFV FRP (281) 879-9903 Fax: (281) 879-9913 ( PDLO LQIR#MDHOHFWURQLFV FRP • (5 /35 ,QVWUXPHQWV • &RUURVLRQ; 3UREHV Corrosion Monitoring Systems Phone: (256) 358-4202 Phone/fax: 210/923-5999 E-mail: METASPEC Co. METAL TEST SPECIMEN, COUPONS, PANELS RODS, FIXTURES, RACKS AND HOLDERS P.O. BOX 27707 U SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78227 Fax: (256) 358-4515 E-mail: • &RXSRQV; 5DFNV • &RXSRQ; +ROGHUV • $FFHVV )LWWLQJV • 5HWULHYDO 6\VWHPV ,62 &HUWL;ÀHG We have a space reserved for your business card. Call the Advertising Department at +1 281-228-6219. z ,QGHSHQGHQW DGYLFH RQ 2LO¿HOG &KHPLFDOV; SURJUDPV DGYLFH#VWUDWHJLF FKHPLVWU\ FRP z &RQ;¿GHQWLDO 2)& VWDII UHFUXLWPHQW VHUYLFH UHFUXLW#RLO¿HOGFKHPLFDOVFDUHHUV LQIR z &RQ;¿GHQWLDO 2)& MRE VHDUFK DSSO\#RLO¿HOGFKHPLFDOVFDUHHUV LQIR NACE International, Vol. 51, No. 11 November 2012 MATERIALS PERFORMANCE 85

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