Contents of Materials Performance - MAR 2012

Materials Performance is the world's most widely circulated magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control. MP provides information about the latest corrosion control technologies and practical applications for every industry and environment.

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CL BLOG Continued from page 41
product selection and application are important too. We have found that the best way to
get the coating system applied correctly is \W ][M I 6)+- KMZ\QÅML +WI\QVO 1V[XMK- tor for oversight of the coatings phases of the project, including inspecting the work in the shop. This works well if you PI^M \PM XTIV[ IVL [XMKQÅKI\QWV[ NWZ \PM job prepared by (or at least reviewed by) a NACE inspector and an engineer who is very familiar with storage tank design and construction. Plan on full-time coatings oversight
JW\P QV \PM [PWX IVL ÅMTL ,WV¼\ J]a into anything less than that, no matter how much someone tries to convince you about "critical phase" coating inspection. 1\¼[ ITT KZQ\QKIT
+8 ZMK\QÅMZ [PW]TL PI^M XW\MV\QIT KWV\ZWT with a current and voltage limit set to prevent overprotection. We typically shoot for –0.900 to –0.950 V vs. copper/ copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4
interdependent on the others for struc- tural integrity—it is important that they are carefully inspected during construc- tion. Watch for proper wire (or cable) spacing and be absolutely certain that the outer mortar cover is adequate. The manufacturers of prestressed
tanks are very willing to give your or- ganization a presentation. We recently had a whole spectrum of tank builders come through and show off their stuff.
NACE International, Vol. 51, No. 3 March 2012 MATERIALS PERFORMANCE 43 ) "instant off"
XW\MV\QIT 1N \PM ^WT\IOM IVL K]ZZMV\ _MZM limited so greater than –1.050 V vs. Cu/ CuSO4
could not exist, you should have
no problem with the coating manufac- turer over disbonding issues. An anode system that is distributed vertically will keep the maximum potentials when volt- age limit occurs level independent.
Prestressed tanks of that dimen- sion are certainly possible. With tanks of that construction—a composite of materials with each
The CP design and installation should be approved by the coat- ing inspector, manufacturer, and installer. The impressed current
There are many prestressed con- crete tanks in use in the United ;\I\M[ J]\ 1 LWV¼\ SVW_ WN IVa that are as high as 85 ft.
many years and remain in service in seismically active areas.
A Continued on page 45
1 PI^M [MMV I V]UJMZ WN XZM- stressed concrete tanks in North- ern California, but not at 85-ft tall. They have been in service for